Prof. em. Dr. Hans Ulrich Güdel Departement für Chemie, Biochemie und Pharmazie Telefon +41 31 684 42 49 E-Mail Büro N514 Postadresse Freiestrasse 3 CH - 3012 Bern Pers. Website
Lebenslauf 1942: Born in Thörigen, Switzerland 1966: Liz. phil. nat., chemist, University of Bern 1969: Dr. phil. nat., chemist, University of Bern 1970-1972: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Copenhagen 1972-1974: Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian National University, Canberra 1975: Habilitation, University of Bern since 1978: Professor of Chemistry, University of Bern 1982: Visiting Professor, University of Copenhagen 1983-1984: Visiting Fellow, Stanford University 1992-1993: Visiting Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Hughes Research Laboratories 2002: Visiting Scientist, Australian National University 2007-2015: Integrity Officer of the University of Bern
Publikationen See for a complete publication list with doi links and full text PDF files.
Mitgliedschaften Membership in committees (restricted selection): 1990-2002: Member and vice president of the Science and Engineering Division in the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation 1991: Founding chairman of the Swiss Neutron Scattering Society 1990-1994: Scientific Council, Institut Laue Langevin since 2000: Scientific Council, Institut Laue Langevin since 2002: Research Committee, University of Bern Membership in associations: Optical Society of America European Photochemistry Association Swiss Physical Society Swiss Chemical Society Swiss Society for Neutron Scattering