Florian Weber Doktorand Departement für Chemie, Biochemie und Pharmazie Telefon +41 31 684 40 80 Telefon2 +41 31 684 40 05 (Lab) Büro S533a Postadresse Freiestrasse 3 CH - 3012 Bern
Lebenslauf Education 11/2015 – present: PhD student in Prof. Dr. Luciani’s Group Thesis: Development of targeted lipid-based tools for non-invasive molecular diagnostic of hepatic fibrosis 04/2019 – present: Pharmaceutical Technology Group, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry / Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (since 01/2021), University of Bern, Switzerland 11/2015 – 03/2019: Phospholipids in Drug Development Group, Department of Pharmaceutical Technologies, Institute of Pharmacy, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany 11/2015: 3rd State Examination, Approbation as Pharmacist in Germany 10/2010 – 11/2015: 1st / 2nd State Examination, Pharmacy Martin-Luther-Universität Halle (Saale), Germany Work Experience 05/2015 – 10/2015: Pharmacist in Training, Industry, Quality Assurance Profusio GesundHeits GmbH, Leipzig, Germany 11/2014 – 04/2015: Pharmacist in Training, Public Pharmacy Riebeck-Apotheke, Halle (Saale), Germany 05/2014 – 10/2014: Research Assistant Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle (Saale), Department of Biochemical Pharmacy Thesis: Synthesis of polyunsaturated, long-chained ketones
Publikationen Selected Posters and Oral Presentations European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery, Egmond, The Netherlands; “Development of targeted lipid-based tools for non-invasive molecular diagnostic of hepatic fibrosis”; 2018 German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG): Annual meeting 2017, Saarbrücken, Germany; “Conception and development of targeted lipid-based tools for improved diagnostic molecular imaging of hepatic fibrosis”; 2017