Prof. Dr. Matthias Arenz Direktor / Forschungsgruppenleiter Departement für Chemie, Biochemie und Pharmazie Telefon +41 31 684 53 84 Telefon2 +41 31 684 42 26 (Sekretariat) E-Mail Büro N317 Postadresse Freiestrasse 3 CH - 3012 Bern Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung Präsenzzeiten Montag bis Freitag Pers. Website
Lebenslauf 1999: Diploma in Physics, University of Bonn 2002: PhD in Physical Chemistry, Univ. Bonn (Prof. Klaus Wandelt) 2002 – 2004: Postdoc, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA 2005 – 2010: Emmy Noether Group Leader, Technical University of Munich 2010 – 2016: Associate Professor in Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark since 2016: Professor in Physical Chemistry, University of Bern 2017 – 2020: President of the Bernese Chemical Society 2021 – 2023: Deputy Director of the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern since 2024: Director of the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland
Forschungsschwerpunkt Our aim is to understand the fundamental properties that determine the performance of electrocatalysts for particular processes and to build a bridge between fundamental research and realistic applications. Our research includes the following areas: Development of concepts for catalyst synthesis based on colloidal methods. Our synthesis concept which we developed in collaboration with S. Kunz from Bremen is labelled Co4Cat - Colloids for Catalysts: Superior Catalysts Solutions. We have the following equipment available for catalyst synthesis: microwave reactor, Schlenk line, rotational evaporator, oil bath, several ovens, ultrasonic equipment (bath and tip), ultraturrax homogenizer, XRD-Mill, pH sensor, dynamic light scattering and zeta potential analyzer, glove box as well as standard equipment such as scales etc. Development of experimental methods and strategies for a reliable electrocatalyst evaluation. We developed the following methods/techniques in our group: Identical location electron microscopy (IL-TEM), experimental procedures for thin film RDE measurements, pressurized RDE setups, gas diffusion electrode setups (GDE), in-situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy applying finger electrodes. In addition to these developments we use ex-situ and in-situ XAS, in-situ Raman and SHINERS, small angle X-ray scattering (in collaboration), in-situ AFM and STM, high resolution electron microscopy as well as other standard catalyst characterization techniques. Performance evaluation of model and applied electrocatalysts with respect to activity, selectivity, and stability. We are in particular interested how cooperative effects between support and particles (i.e. metal loading, particle distribution, particle location, etc.) influence the performance. For more information visit our website. Website of the research group
Publikationen For a full list of publications, please see: Researcher ID: C-3195-2016 ORCID: Liste der im neuen BORIS Portal erfassten Publikationen (Anpassung der Publikationen im BORIS Portal: Publication Year Type