Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Reymond Forschungsgruppenleiter / Dekan der Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät Departement für Chemie, Biochemie und Pharmazie Telefon +41 31 684 43 25 Telefon2 +41 31 684 43 11 (Sekretariat) E-Mail Büro S362 Postadresse Freiestrasse 3 CH - 3012 Bern Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung Präsenzzeiten Montag bis Freitag Pers. Website
Links Sekretariat & Web Zbinden, Sandra Dekanat der Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Lebenslauf 1981-1985: Diploma studies in Chemistry and Biochemistry, ETH Zürich 1986-1989: Ph.D. Thesis, Natural Products Synthesis, University of Lausanne 1990-1991: Post-doc, Catalytic Antibodies, Scripps Research Institute 1992-1997: Assistant Professor, Scripps Research Institute 1997-present: Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry / Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (since 2021), Universität Bern 2015-2017: Director of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Universität Bern 2024-present: Dean of the Faculty of Science, Universität Bern
Forschungsschwerpunkt The Chemical Space Project “Chemical space” describes the ensemble of all possible chemical compounds, in particular those of interest as drugs for medical use. Our work on chemical space unfolds in the following projects: Peptide Chemistry: design, synthesis and evaluation of new bioactive topologically diverse peptides, in particular peptide dendrimers and polycyclic peptides as antimicrobials, biofilm inhibitors, cell penetrating and gene/si-RNA transfection reagents Cheminformatics: enumeration of the chemical universe database GDB containing all possible organic molecules, new methods for the interactive visualization and virtual screening of chemical space ( Medicinal Chemistry: computer-aided design and synthesis of small molecule modulators for transporter and ion channels, in part in the context of the NCCR TransCure ( Website of the research group
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