Education and Career
- 1985: dipl. chem., University of Bern
- 1989: PhD, Dr. phil. nat., University of Bern
- 1989: Postdoc at Paul Scherrer Institute
- 1989-1992: Postdoc at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- 1992-2001: Staff scientist at Paul Scherrer Institute
- since 1993: Lecturer at University of Bern
- 2000: Habilititation at University of Bern
- 2000: Visiting scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- 2001-2009: Full professor of radiochemistry at Technical University Munich
- 2009-2017: Head of the Laboratory of Radiochemistry at PSI (LRC), and
- since 2009: Full professor of radiochemistry at University of Bern
Research key words
Nuclear chemistry, chemistry and physics of superheavy elements, accelerator and reactor based synthesis of radionuclides for nuclear medicine, radionuclide generator systems, radioanalytical chemistry, nuclear energy and society
Publication record
156 peer reviewed articles, on average cited 18.37 times (2700 times total), h-index 31 (as of 1st March 2015)
- "Fritz Strassmann-Preis" Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie
- GSI Exotic Nuclei Community Membership (GENCO) Award
- Aquired >5 M EUR of grants 2002-2009
- Acquired 2.2 MCHF of grants since 2010 (excluding grants of LCH group leaders)
- Bachelor and Master Courses at University of Bern and TU Munich
- 15 trainee, bachelor or master students
- 14 PhD students completed
External Scientific Activities
- since 2015: "Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie" of GDCh
- 2002-2010: "Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie" of GDCh, vice-chairman (2002-2006), chairman (2007-2010)
- since 2014: Member of the Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Bern
- since 2011: Nuklearforum Schweiz, member of the board
- since 2009: Eidgenössische Kommission für Strahlenschutz und Überwachung der Radioaktivität, member (2009-2012), vice president (since 2013)
- since 2003: Advisory board "Radiochimica Acta", Oldenbourg Verlag
- since 2011: Member of the scientific council of the Oeschger Center for Climate Research (OCCR), UNIBE
- 2009-2012: General program advisory committee (GPAC), Helmholtzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany
- 2006-2012: Scientific advisory board, Helmholtzzentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Rossendorf, Germany
- 2003-2009: Advisory board, Forschungsreaktor München (FRM-II)
- 2003-2009: Committee on instrumentation of FRM-II
- 2003-2009: Nuclear Physics Board of the European Physical Society